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CELEBRITIES     who's doing (hot) yoga today 

Adam Levine (singer)

Erika Van Tielen & Nina De Man (presentators)

Eva Daeleman (presentator)

Natalia Druyts (singer)

Kim Clijsters (Tennisplayer)

ashton kutcher (actor)

George Clooney (actor)

Andy Murray (Tennisplayer)

Gwyneth Paltrow (actrice)

Evy Gruyaert (presentator)

M. McConaughey (actor)

Clara Cleymans (actrice)

Brigitta Callens (model)

Lady Gaga (singer)

Joke van de Velde (model)

Madonna (singer)

Demi Moore (actrice)

David Beckham (football player)

Jennifer Aniston (actor)

Robert Downey (actor)

YOGA IN THE NEWS    why is yoga so popular

Hot Yoga Oudeaanrde Doktersbevel
Hot Yoga Oudeaanrde yoga bevrijdt je van alles
International Day of Yoga 21 june
The yoga way sri sri Ravi Shankar
21 juni yoga dag
21 juni yoga dag Evy Gruyaert
Bikram yoga 40°C Karen Damen Bikram
Hot Yoga Oudenaarde Bikram yoga hot BV's
yoga yoga yoga
yoga BV trend

HOT YOGA OUDENAARDE    sharing our love for yoga

Hot Yoga Oudenaarde opened doors in the wonderfull "Vlaamse Ardennen" in January 2015

Each day we are receiving wonderfull people who want to practice yoga or explore what yoga is!


“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming.

Hot Yoga Oudenaarde opening
yoga mat yoga mat yoga mat yoga mat

Contact Leny:   0489 / 56 47 03

IBAN:  ​BE05 7370 4135 4375


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Jacob Lacopsstraat 24

9700 Oudenaarde




located in same street as 

Bowling Stones & Basic Fit

Easy parking (blue card)



Hot Yoga Oudenaarde

All rights reserved


See facebook page and stay informed of all the latest news, workshops, special activities!

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