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ETIQUETTE     new to our studio

Our aim is to provide everyone with the best possible opportunity to enjoy their yoga practice.

Help us to help you by observing the following ...


  • Yoga mat is needed – Bring your own or available for rent.

  • Towels are needed (1 for class, same size of your mat and 1 to shower) – Bring your own or available for rent

  • Bottle of water is needed. Bring your own or buy a bottled Fiji water from the studio




Wear appropriate clothing 'for example type Lycra clothing' – shorts or leggings with a suitable lightweight sports top or crop top. Men may choose not to wear a T-shirt or top. If you are wearing baggy shorts or swim trunks please make sure you are wearing an inner short of some kind. Baggy or heavy clothes are not advised. You might also need a change of clothes for after your class (shower facilities are available). Best way to practice is with shoulders, elbows and knees free from clothing. We also have a wide range of women's clothes available in our studio shop to choose from.



It is also recommended that you refrain from eating a full meal 2-3 hours prior to class time and to drink enough water during the whole day. Register for class: Please ensure you are signed into the class at reception before going into the changing rooms or the yoga studio. You do need to register at the desk for each class! If you are new we recommend to come in advance so we can get to know you before class and give you some additional informations. Class will always start promptly. Injuries and Medical Conditions lease inform the teacher before you enter the studio of any injuries or medical conditions (including pregnancy) that may affect your ability to practice.



Please remove your shoes or slippers on entering the corridor to the studio and changing rooms and place them in the shoe racks provided. If you suffer from verrucas or any similar foot complaint, please wear appropriate socks or indoor flip-flops whilst in the studio.



Place your mat so you can see yourself in the mirror. If you are a beginner, please stick to the back row so that you can observe the more experienced students in the front row. Please be considerate when placing your mat (i.e. not directly in front of someone else’s mat – staggering the mats by one third of the width of a mat is sufficient to ensure everyone can see themselves in the mirror. Please do not turn your mat or towel during the class and use the entire length of your mat. In a yoga class, be mindful of the space around you especially when it’s a full class. If you know it’ll be a busy class, place your yoga mat closely to your neighbor so that everyone can practice comfortably.




Please turn your phone off before entering reception. Please make a habit out of this even before you enter the building. A ringing or vibrating phone during asanas can really disrupt class.



For your first class, please arrive at least 20 minutes before class to give you time to register. Please note the doors will be opened 30 minutes before the scheduled class time. All classes will start at the time advertised to avoid class disruption, no latecomers will be permitted entry. One of the benefits of coming early is you can secure your favorite spot in the studio room and focus on yourself before class.



No talking during class. Yoga is a time of inviting stillness and presence, so please respect others’ practice by keeping silent as soon as you enter the studio. Remember your yoga starts as soon as you enter the room.



Please only have your towel and water with your yoga mat. Your valuables can be left in the lockers the studio, but please ensure your mobile is switched off. Try to avoid bringing any unnecessary valuables as the studio cannot take responsibility for any lost or stolen items. Please avoid bringing your watch into class, especially digital (i.e. beeping!) watches. Please do not wear any jewelry that may prevent movement or makes noise, as this can be distracting to other students. Bags with changes of clothes can be left in the changing room. Yoga classes can get very full so floor space is crucial.



Classes last for 60 to 90 minutes. Please stay in the room to avoid disrupting the flow of the class and distracting your fellow students. Beginners, please take your first class gently (just sitting on your mat to take a break is a perfectly acceptable for a first class – the heat does takes some getting used to and it is better to remain in the class for the duration than do every posture for 20 minutes and then leave).



Please keep your showertime normal so that everyone has a chance to shower in a reasonable time, and we keep our environmental impact to a minimum. In the interests of health, safety and hygiene please do not shave, pluck or use any form of hair removal.




If you’re an advanced student taking a beginners/intermediate class, stick to the basic versions of the postures so you don’t throw off the other students. The instructor will give you the opportunity to take a more advanced variation when it’s appropriate. On the flip side, if you’re in an advanced class and you’re finding some of the poses difficult then it’s okay to do a more basic variation – the teacher will provide you this option. Remember also sometimes it’s better to take one step back to enable to go two forward! Please feel free to speak to the teacher after class if you have any questions or concerns. A good teacher and the right practice can significantly contribute to your enjoyment, growth and understanding of Yoga. Yoga is very much a group activity, with the energy in the room being positively or negatively affected by every student.



Performing exercise in a heated room enhances all odours, so please be considerate to your fellow students. Please ensure your body and feet are clean (please feel free to use the showers before class) and avoid heavy perfumes/aftershave. Your yoga towel should be washed in unscented laundry detergent and fabric softener. Your fellow yogis around you may get nauseous of heavily scented smells. Please be aware people are detoxing and the smell of smoke on hair, clothes or skin also means poisons are still present. Showers are also available before class. You may be asked to leave class if you smell of cigarette smoke.



Use to the bathroom before class! You are asked not to leave the room once class has begun. This is for your safety, the safety of others and to better your practice. If you have to go to the bathroom wait until there is a period of rest, such as in between postures and never when others are trying to balance. Please time your re entry in the same fashion.



‘Savasana’ or ‘The final relaxation’ is an important part of your yoga practice and is part of class time. Incorporate the time in savasana into your schedule so that your body and mind can absorbe all the benefits of the practice – don’t plan to leave class early!



Please use the recycling bins provided for empty plastic bottles. It is enormously helpful if you crush the bottle then put the cap back on (that way it stays small and we use fewer bags). All other rubbish can be disposed of in the usual fashion. Please put all your rubbish in the bins provided and leave any area you use as you found it. This ensures an inviting environment for all.


Contact Leny:   0489 / 56 47 03


IBAN:  ​BE05 7370 4135 4375


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Jacob Lacopsstraat 24

9700 Oudenaarde




located in same street as 

Bowling Stones & Basic Fit

Easy parking (blue card)



Hot Yoga Oudenaarde

All rights reserved


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